Royal Jubilee Hospital Switchgear Upgrade

Royal Jubilee Hospital switchgear

Evolve worked with Island Health to design replacement and upgrade of the failed main 4000A 600V switchgear, while taking advantage of a rare opportunity to mitigate the existing single points of failure. The revised switchgear design enhanced the redundancy, flexibility, safety and maintainability of the hospital’s main power distribution line-up through provision of interlocked backfeeds, equipment bypasses, and options to supply emergency power from alternative power sources. Downstream distribution equipment was also modified with tie-breaker schemes to enable power to be supplied from multiple sources.

Provision of time-delayed controls for tripping and closing breakers improved safety and reduced arc flash hazards. A new digital metering system was also integrated into the new main switchgear. This metering system provides real-time demand information to support load switching and load shedding procedures.

New equipment was retrofitted in-situ, which required extensive planning and commissioning activities.

  • Client

    Island Health

  • Completion Date


  • Project Type

    Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade

  • Location

    Victoria, BC

  • Evolve's Role

    Electrical Engineer

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